Sunday, December 1, 2013

Pre Class

In this reading Helene focused on the ideas behind the ideas of opposites the ways of "activity and passivity, sun moon, culture nature, and day night. She believes that everywhere "where a law organizes what is thinkable by oppositions all these pairs of oppositions are couples? She talked about the idea behind a father and a son. They both need eachother to describe themselves. A father is a figure to provide love and support to a son, and a son receives this, and without the son, a father is a man. She focuses on the ideas that words like sun and moon, and day and night are balanced on each other.
She then goes into talking about the masculine figure. She talks about the ideas of the bisexual figure. That is a hard topic to talk about in todays society. Back in the 1970's and previously, it was something that was almost non-existanst, and people looked at them strangely. Today in our society we can gain a understanding that bisexuality and the modified human figure are that of somebodies choice. There is a hard representation issue of what that figure should represent. Should they become the stereotypical mom if it was a bisexual man to woman. She would always have the ways of a man, and would her feelings be real and true to that of a real mother.
Men today "fear being a woman" This is a understandable trait as women are looked as the week in society, and are dependent on society. Women today are becoming more femist and independent, and i personally like the ways of the 1950's, where women were stay at home, and men made the money. Growing up with just my father working, when my mom said how she used to work, my whole family laughs and says good one, when in reality she had a great finance job. It is the idea that the woman should not be working, they are to stay home and work on the house, and maintaing it.

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