After looking back at some past blogs, I realized that the ideas in my post about the significance of the unspoken have been seen in other theorists works as well. The importance of Macherey's theory gives enhanced meaning for concepts like the panopticon, Zizek's views on terrorism in America, or Eco's perception of the passivity of guests at Disney. For the panopticon, the unknown presence of someone in the tower of a prison restrains inmates even if it is empty. This emptiness is a physical reference to the importance of "what is not said".

Finally, at Disney World, guests must comply with the Disney rules while experiencing a prefabricated fantasy, those who actively rebel against those rules are asked to leave. The only way to experience Disney is to remain passive or else they will force silence. Whether it is forced silence or voluntary passivity and acceptance, the notion of remaining voiceless contains the power.
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