The last class we briefly discussed the concept of media and its implications on society as a whole. I feel that when the "news" is reported the idea of negativity seems to be the only thing present. It is rare to see positive things on the TV now a days. Why is that though? In my opinion the new stations and whomever has the decision of what to report feels that the things that get the public's attention are not positive acts but those that are looked down upon in our culture. When the shooting in Newton, CT happened I remember how the TV stations did a terrible job at reporting the tragedy. They were way to intrusive on the families of the victims, and they just seem to be giving the shooter more attention than anything else. This person deserved no attention, just punishment and the media gave him what he wanted. Overall, how culture seems to be horrible if one were to just watch the news all day. The news should be a reflection of the brighter acts from our society. People are extremely affected by what they see on TV, so when one see's sad and terrible acts on the television then that will rub off on them in a bad way. In conclusion, media controls alot of our societies customs and opinions, so lets at least make it a positive experience.
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