I don't quite understand Habermas very well; he touches on many different areas of theory that didn't make much sense to me. But a certain quote from Habermas stuck out to me during the reading and our class discussion. "The cult of the new... does more than express the experience of mobility in society, of acceleration in history, of discontinuity in everyday life"(99) describes the notion of our relationship to this fast-paced world. New technology, innovation, and ideas come about on a daily basis and within our world these things and people are constantly progressing rapidly while causing a disconnect with our everyday lives. This concept relates to a project I just did in my CMC 320 class: the political economy of body and food.
I created a culture jam of a 100 Calorie Packs advertisement and changed the name of the brand to 100 Seconds Packs to reflect how quickly our society consumes food. I made a parody of the brand name to compare to how convenient and accessible food has become and how food is made time friendly now a days. Food such as processed and packaged snacks, fast food restaurants, frozen microwaveable meals and fast casual food (Chipotle) are products of our time-consumed society. What confuses me about these snacks is that they are not that healthy, they are just packaged in smaller serving sizes and our society consumes them within seconds of opening the bag. I used Photoshop to altar the rest of the wording on the box from “Baked Snacks” to “Fast Snacks” and “Sensible Solutions” to “Speedy Solutions” to represent how quickly this food can be consumed on the go. I then altered the rest of the text to say “100 Seconds, 3g of Fat and 0 Time Wasted” to parody how our society wants to be able to do everything as quickly as possible.
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