"Those who refuse to reexamine the rules of art pursue successful careers in mass conformism by communicating, by means of the 'correct rules', the endemic desire for reality with objects and situations capable of gratifying it.(Lyotard 41)" Further analyzing that statement alone would be sufficient for a whole widespread discussion but to make it brief I will summarize. Those who find themselves to critical to explore something as unique and vast as art will live a life as a follower with little to say about anything significant to our society. Art is designed to be expressive and the concept of art analysis is to help guide feelings and emotions of people to where they are then given an opportunity to have an educated conversation on why they felt the way they felt. "Pornography is the use of photography and film to such an end. It is becoming a general model for the visual or narrative arts which have not met the challenge of the mass media.(Lyotard 41)" Over the past decades if not longer, human society for the most part, has set a framework for concepts/customs that they deem appropriate for the public eye to bear witness to. Pornography is ramped but it is one of those customs that as a culture we do not feel right about showing to the public. The mass media is complex about the programs the world view's, otherwise that control from the government would't be as tight. The discussion of realism in Lyotard's piece grasps with this idea of separating from what is fake and what is real in art. That invisible line is different for everyone, people have various notions about what they believe to be a real or fake concept/feature. That is just one of the things that makes art anyway.
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