Sunday, October 6, 2013

Lyotard post class- fang

Lyotard’s “What is Postmodernism?” makes much more sense after class. He classifies postmodernism as a series of different perspectives making the movement/thought a very dynamic idea. Postmodernists try not to see postmodernism in direct opposition with modernism as modernists had a narrow mindset whereas postmodernists has as many ideals as thinkers wish.

He is also critical of Habermas and Benjamin for being too nostalgic about the past. Much like I am nostalgic of aspects of high school even though some parts were brutal, Habermas and Benjamin are nostalgic of a society that might not have even existed. Lyotard is on the outside looking in at all of their ideas, but he still is unsure. He criticizes grand metanarratives even though he puts forth one. Despite his on hypocriticism, he does open your eyes to realizing that maybe Habermas and Benjamin overreact.
We, as college students, are nostalgic of our youth. It’s why N64 gets played more than Nintendo Wii and shows like All That are held in high regard.All That in the past six months than I did in the 10 years the show was on and I am certain I have played more Super Smash Bros. and Pokémon Stadium in the past two months than I did pre-middle school. While we may criticize current video games, television, etc for not being “as good” as when we were younger or it lacks the certain allure that old stuff had, Lyotard would argue that we need to understand the different perspectives of all and to really analyze whether or not things were that great. Lyotard also rationalizes the commoditization of art as it does spread art’s meaning and message, while opening the door for capitalistic gain, it could still be good.
It is not until you take a step back and really think about that time that you realize you might be wrong. I probably have watched more
Lyotard seems to stress the perspectives of postmodernism and the overall belief that societies progress for better, as oftentimes many feel things are worse because they are too nostalgic about their past.

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