Sunday, October 27, 2013

pre class Marx/Althusser- fang

In their readings, Marx and Althusser explain the power of ideology amongst society, but more importantly, how it is controlled and spread. Karl Marx explains the spread of ideology very well when he states "the class which is the ruling material force of society is at the same time its ruling intellectual force" (C 39). Because they are in control of the flow and aura in their respective societies, the "ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas" (C 39). Marx demonstrates that the ruling class is in the position of crafting the social construct of their society and they, while not named, are the kings and queens of their respective kingdom. Therefore, their ideology gets passed through the masses passively and eventually instinctively.
Althusser, a bit more recent, builds off of Marx's State Apparatus and ISAs. The RSAs use repression and laws to indoctrinate the people whereas ISAs are much more deceptive and therefore powerful. People have forced to follow the RSAs but the ISAs are crafty and able to set forth ideology that people seemingly choose.

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