Monday, October 28, 2013

Higgins-Post Class fang

Technology has transformed millions of lives, from the day the first computer was invented to the many apps on the iphone. People rely so heavily on the advancements of technology that in some ways our greatest asset could be our biggest downfall. If the country ever lost all access to phones, computers, etc, the nation would sky rocket into a immediate spiral. Our economy and government run on the many high tech computer systems that allow our country to run properly. The biggest fear would be a way to block all access to our relied up technological outlets. Social media would be null and avoid which would prevent a major source of communicating along with e-mails and phone calls. Television announcements concerning the current situation wouldn't be possible. Overall, its a scary thought to have but one that cannot be forgotten. Next time you wake up, try and pay attention to how often you use your technology devices until you go to bed, you definitely surprise yourself.

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